Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's in a name?

I'm having the hardest time remembering names.  This is often hard for me, but it is even worse since I am out every other week right now and I'm not yet teaching full time.  Every other Monday I have to try to relearn all 130.  I always feel terrible when I have to ask a student to tell me their name.  I have studied the class list, which has pictures, I try to use their names whenever I address them, and I've tried association, but have had very little luck with all the strategies I have used.  

How do you memorize names?  I'm to the point where I'm just going to start making them up...


  1. I am also challenged in this area. I have tried the same strategies, and am so bad with names that I forget the names of those in our Cohort. Fortunately, students keep their folders in front of them which has their name on it. At conferences last semester, I asked students to sign in as they entered the class. I would see which name they wrote down then pull out their progress report.

  2. I have been pretty lucky in this area, but I do work at it. One strategy that I use that I have found beneficial is greeting students at the door as the enter the class and be sure to use their name in my greeting. For instance, saying something like, "Hi, Jason, how was your weekend?" Or even just a simple, "Hi, so and so" can help!
